The Round Table “Bălţi. The crisis of waste, strays and fleas, an opportunity to waste public money inefficiently. The reason for its appearance, the current situation and solutions”

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What is the legal status of the landfill near Balti? What mistakes were made at the initial stage of building the dog shelter? How many steps ahead is Sangerei district compared to Bălți municipality in collection / sorting of waste?Answers to these questions were given today, August 20, 2020, by guests of the Round Table “Bălţi. The crisis of waste, strays and fleas, an opportunity to waste public money inefficiently. The reason for its appearance, the current situation and solutions”. The discussion was attended by the mayor of Singerei, the municipal councilors from Bălți, the representatives of the Municipal Enterprises, lawyers and civic activists. Each of the participants presented their opinion based on the discussed issues, coming up with certain proposals to municipal councilors and local public administration. One of the proposals was the elaboration of a Regulation of behavior with stray dogs of both citizens and local public administration.The round table took place within the project “Mobilization for monitoring” implemented by the “Association for Human Rights LEX XXI”, funded by the European Union and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation under the grant program “Development of local civil society in the Republic of Moldova”.

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