To observe and to monitor the actions of the authorities – these can be learned

During a year, the non-governmental organization from Bălți not only monitored the activities of local authorities, but also gather together the active citizens, enriched them with new knowledge about the city’s money management and public control skills.
In October, the Association for Human Rights Lex XXI completed the “Mobilization for Monitoring” project funded by the European Union and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation under the Local Civil Society Development Grants Program in the Republic of Moldova. The project started in November 2019 and, during this time, many ideas and commitments were brought to life, namely:
1. A website of the association has been created, which provides online access to information on the progress of the project.
2. An informal network of civic activists from Bălți and Sângerei was created, which made it possible to combine the forces and knowledge of the active people.
3. 7 analytical materials have been developed, which report problematic and controversial topics in the field of local public administration.
4. 3 trainings were organized for 60 people, who were enriched with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills.
5. 3 round tables were organized, which created a platform for the exchange of information and opinions on current urban issues.
6. 4 TV programs were filmed, which made it possible to draw attention to the important issues in public life of a wider circle of people.
7. 1 video material was elaborated, in the basic of analytical materials.
8. 12 legal consultations and a networking took place, which provided assistance in resolving the specific problems of the citizens concerned.
The purpose of the project was to raise public awareness about local public administration, development, adoption and implementation of decisions, spending budget funds; the formation of an active position of citizenship in the field of control over the activity of local authorities and the training in theoretical knowledge and practical skills in this field.
It has been a fruitful year that has laid the foundations for the further development of civil society, which can take part in identifying and solving urban problems, as well as in controlling the activities of the city administration, which will increase the efficiency of its activity. After all, monitoring by citizens and independent organizations makes it possible to assess the productivity of government bodies and alert in the event of abuse and mistakes.