On July 30, 2021, the “Association for Human Rights Lex XXI” held a public presentation of the “Report on monitoring public procurement in the Balti Clinic Hospital”

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Starting with 2020, special attention was paid to the medical field, the topic that became the most relevant in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

On July 30, 2021, the “Association for Human Rights Lex XXI” held a public presentation of the “Report on monitoring public procurement in the Balti Clinic Hospital”.

The expert of the association, Vladimir Rusu, presented the issues related to the regulatory framework of public procurement, the findings and recommendations in conducting public procurement in the Balti Clinical Hospital. In addition to the above, the organizers and presenters made a number of recommendations that can improve the situation in the field of conducting, monitoring and analyzing public procurement.

The event was attended by civic activists, representatives of Balti City Hall and representatives of other Public Institutions who had the opportunity to get acquainted with the report and express their views and suggestions on it. Participants were also able to familiarize themselves with practical skills that would allow them to track and analyze the efficiency of public procurement.

Soon, the report will be available to everyone, both in electronic format (on the website of the association www.lex21.md) and in printed format.

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