On August 14, 2021 the Association for Human Rights Lex XXI has launched the “Anti-corruption Conversations” podcast in Chisinau

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On August 14, 2021, thanks to the financial support of the Embassy of the United States of America in the Republic of Moldova, the Association for Human Rights Lex XXI has launched the “Anti-corruption Conversations” podcast in Chisinau. The event was attended by about 30 experts in the field: representatives of civil society and the Embassy, ​​officials of the Ministry of Interior / NAC, deputies in Parliament, mayors, the head of the Border Police, and the press.

As speakers at the event, we had Mr. Brett Rose (Director of the International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Section at the US Embassy in Moldova), Matthew Stephenson (professor at Harvard Law School), Rosian Vasiloi (Chief of Border Police of the Republic of Moldova), Eugeniu Sinchevici (Member of Parliament), Ion Pruteanu (National Anticorruption Center), Diana Enachi and Liubomir Chiriac (IDIS Viitorul), Arcadie Covaliov (Mayor of Sangerei) and Ala Revenco (AGER / Părinții Solidari).

We don’t want to exaggerate and say that a podcast will change the world, but initiatives like this are important in the long run because, often, seemingly small things can make a difference in really big issues. And this is all the more important now that Moldova is going through a historic moment and a historic chance to put the law at the head of the table and advance an unprecedented climate of integrity and decision-making transparency.

You can find our podcast here: https://soundcloud.com/anti-corruption-podcast

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