The results of the implementation of local anti-corruption plans in Balti and in Sîngerei

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February 28, 2020, the results of theimplementation of local anti-corruption plans in Balti and in Sîngerei werediscussed. AO “Association for Human Rights Lex XXI ” presentedAlternative Monitoring Reports for these plans.
The event was attended by civic activists, economic agents and ordinarycitizens who had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the elaboratedReports and to express their opinions and suggestions on them.
The quantitative and qualitative results of the implementation of localanti-corruption plans were dissolved. Also, the achievements and difficultiesof the local administrations in Balti municipality and in Sîngerei districtwere emphasized. Finally, the Experts made a series of recommendations for eachof the local authorities subject to monitoring, as well as for the nationalmonitoring mechanism.
Alternative reports have been elaborated within the Small Grants Program forthe alternative monitoring of sectoral and local anti-corruption plans of theproject “Fight against corruption by strengthening integrity in theRepublic of Moldova”, implemented by UNDP Moldova with the financialsupport of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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